Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Get knocked down, but i get up again...

Heh. Heh heh so my bad about the no posts for about six billion weeks. i have no excuse except maybe i was abducted by aliens. (that was for the one fool who might believe it)

So basically life has gone on. A few interesting things to note:

i have now graduated the 11th grade and will be a senior next year. should be interesting

i am now a workaholic. Anyone who is my friend has been sure to notice that am an official social outcast.

Anyways so here is my(hopefully)intelligent thought for the week.

One thing i am beginning to notice about people is that most people, when life punches them in the face, (more specifically when they punch themselves with a stupid decision) they just start crying and expect people to give them a clean tissue for their bloody nose.

I dont mean to sound inconsiderate, (but i'm about to anyways) but boo hoo. Yes life is hard. This is something you should have noticed awhile ago. Bad things happen to good people, good people make bad choices.

But just because you may have made a poor choice, it does not make you a bad person.

Things you should consider doing when you feel yourself slipping from who you are.

1.Dont do it again (duh). May sound obvious but this is the one that snags most people. When they make a stupid decision once, they figure if they dont do it again they will be fine. But if you havent properly taken care of it, chances are it WILL happen again. So what happens when it does?
ill tell you what NOT to do. Dont curl up in the fetal position and lose all hope. As long as you have hope you can make it right again.

2.Ive already kinda covered this, but dont EVER assume just because you made a bad choice, that Heavenly Father doesnt love you anymore. You are his child for heavens sake. He is always willing to help you up when you are down.

3.Continue to Pray, read scriptures, ect. Its a lot easier to get back up when you are continually doing the things that invite the spirit. Kinda hard to feel the spirit when you never ask for it. just sayin

4.This last one is mostly for those who are the victims of something tragic that has gotten them down. Christ suffered in the Atonement for you. He felt what you are feeling right now and he can help you get through it. see step 3 of mine and never ever lose faith that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing.

5. Finally my last step is to endure to the end. You have heard it a million times but ill say it again. ENDURE. You will make bad choices, bad things will happen too you. Have faith in Christ and also, faith in yourself that you are still Gods child and still have huge amounts of untapped potential.

Well thats my advice do what you want with it.

see ya next week and remember to comment.

1 comment:

  1. That is just what I your tact or lack of! LOL!
