Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Get knocked down, but i get up again...

Heh. Heh heh so my bad about the no posts for about six billion weeks. i have no excuse except maybe i was abducted by aliens. (that was for the one fool who might believe it)

So basically life has gone on. A few interesting things to note:

i have now graduated the 11th grade and will be a senior next year. should be interesting

i am now a workaholic. Anyone who is my friend has been sure to notice that am an official social outcast.

Anyways so here is my(hopefully)intelligent thought for the week.

One thing i am beginning to notice about people is that most people, when life punches them in the face, (more specifically when they punch themselves with a stupid decision) they just start crying and expect people to give them a clean tissue for their bloody nose.

I dont mean to sound inconsiderate, (but i'm about to anyways) but boo hoo. Yes life is hard. This is something you should have noticed awhile ago. Bad things happen to good people, good people make bad choices.

But just because you may have made a poor choice, it does not make you a bad person.

Things you should consider doing when you feel yourself slipping from who you are.

1.Dont do it again (duh). May sound obvious but this is the one that snags most people. When they make a stupid decision once, they figure if they dont do it again they will be fine. But if you havent properly taken care of it, chances are it WILL happen again. So what happens when it does?
ill tell you what NOT to do. Dont curl up in the fetal position and lose all hope. As long as you have hope you can make it right again.

2.Ive already kinda covered this, but dont EVER assume just because you made a bad choice, that Heavenly Father doesnt love you anymore. You are his child for heavens sake. He is always willing to help you up when you are down.

3.Continue to Pray, read scriptures, ect. Its a lot easier to get back up when you are continually doing the things that invite the spirit. Kinda hard to feel the spirit when you never ask for it. just sayin

4.This last one is mostly for those who are the victims of something tragic that has gotten them down. Christ suffered in the Atonement for you. He felt what you are feeling right now and he can help you get through it. see step 3 of mine and never ever lose faith that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing.

5. Finally my last step is to endure to the end. You have heard it a million times but ill say it again. ENDURE. You will make bad choices, bad things will happen too you. Have faith in Christ and also, faith in yourself that you are still Gods child and still have huge amounts of untapped potential.

Well thats my advice do what you want with it.

see ya next week and remember to comment.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Finding Happiness in Bitter Times

hey sorry it took me so fetching long to update. I have no excuse other than i was busy.
but anyways, today i shall be talking about something that has been hugely affecting me for the past couple weeks. and in case the title didnt give it away, i shall be talking about finding happiness in places where happiness is scarce
So basically these past few weeks have been rough. And for a while, i was a bitter little cuss. I honestly had no idea why everything under the moon was irritating me, and im a little ashamed to admit that i didnt even try to look for the reason.
I just wanted to be bitter for a while.
There really is no plausible explanation for anger. It never does solve anything. In fact, most of the time it just makes it worse.
So why are we so dang susceptible to it?
Well the main reason is because we are human. Anger is an emotion that enriches you physical senses, but totally dumbs down your mental. Anger will trigger some responses in your body that indeed can make you stronger, faster, less fearful and also more aggressive. However far too often we use that to hurt or even cripple other people. And usually we strike in the name of justice.
Well if you would like to see my opinion of human justice see my first post.
Rational thought simply is not there when you are angry. So do not make any huge decisions while you are angry.
for instance i see all the time, where couples (especially in high school) will get in a small fight, it will get larger, until neither one of them can see the others side. (that is when you know for sure you are no longer in any state of mind to make a decision.) And when they break up, they will calm down, look back and realize that breaking up was a completely irrational and stupid thing to do. And even if they do get back together, they usually are not the same for a while.
So how do you get out of this useless spiral downward?
Well the first step that i have found, is to find something that makes you sweat. Go running, find a buddy to box or spar with, go swimming.
Once you have calmed down, say a prayer, out loud or just in your heart, to ask the lord to tell you what you need to do in order to solve what is irritating you.
You notice i didnt tell you to ask him to solve your problems. YOU must be willing to do what he tells you. Otherwise he cant help you.
Another thing you may have noticed is that i asked you to do your best to calm yourself down before you prayed and there is an absolute reason for that.
The Spirit cannot share a home with a spirit of contention. In order to receive the fullest effect, you must do your part to make room for the lord.
Sometimes you will simply have a bad day, or even a bad week. The important thing is to move on. Things will get better. I promise :D
And if you never need a venting buddy give me a call. im always here for ya!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Hey so from now on, i will be posting every tuesday! so rememeber to check!! And spread the word about my blog.
So here is how i think it is gonna go down. Every tuesday i will have a serious post/thought, and then, if something yafunny throughout the week i will post it on the day. make sense? send me a message on facebook and tell me what ya think! Id love to hear from ya!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

And it begins!

Okay first off i would like to say that no, my blog has nothing to do with DOLPHINS. I was just really bored so stay with me here, i promise this will be worth your time.
So today i was talking with some of my friends and an interesting debate unfolded. While we were talking we happened upon the ever so popular conversation of relationships in high school and whether or not they are EVIL. While most of us felt they were not particularly necessary but not evil either, the rest felt they were totally and undeniably from the devil himself. and i would just like to voice my opinion about the matter.
First off i would like to confirm that YES i am LDS. so if you dont like that fact, then tune out of this blog right now because the majority of my posts will reflect that. And do i think relationships in high school are evil? well anyone that knows me will think they know the answer to that. And they might just be suprised. While i dont believe relationships are evil, i also don't think they are always necessary. In fact i would say 98% they are not. so HOW do you find out if the relationship is right for you!? well i will leave that up to you and the lord because after all, i dont know your situation. which brings me to my second half of this post.
A lot of people who dont believe in relationships have a really nasty tendency to judge those who are. And they always have the horrifically cliche' argument "the For Strength of Youth says NO!" ...well the commandments also say "Thou shalt not kill" and yet we have soldiers and people on the police squad who have to end peoples lives as part of their job. are they guilty of murder!? of COURSE NOT.

one thing people consistently overlook is the fact that the world is NOT black and white. there are exceptions to EVERYTHING and if there WASN'T the atonement would kind of be a moot point.
Christ suffered for us so he could fully feel and understand our sins and sorrows, and thus became the perfect mediator and judge along side omnipotent Heavenly Father. and they are the ONLY ones entitled to judge. if everything was black and white with set rules and regulations, any doofus could be a judge.
I mean, insnt it funny how first impressions are often entirely wrong? Well on the same spectrum, your second and one hundredth impressions are usually wrong too.
So WHAT can we learn from all of this? DON'T. TRY. TO. BE.A.JUDGE. because its NOT your place no matter what your wee little mind has told you. leave it to the ones who actually can do it FAIRLY.
So now that we have established that, we go back to my original statement that 98% of relationships are not necessary and a vast majority of those are not even good.
I once heard a poem and i cant recite it now because its a poem and i usually despise poems. But this poem was about some villagers who had a problem with people falling off of a beautiful cliff in their community (seriously) and they were wondering how to fix this problem.
several people said let us just put an ambulance down in the valley. After all its not the falling that hurts, its the shock down below when stopping. others disagreed saying better to put a strong fence at the edge of the cliff then an ambulance down in the valley. Even though the view wouldn't be quite so pretty, its better than the one in your coffin.
And so we can learn from that, that even though the relationship itself is not a sin, 98% it will lead to something worse. That's why the First presidency put a fence at the edge of the cliff, instead of an ambulance down in the valley. its much easier and SAFER to simply prevent from the beginning.
In short, relationships aren't bad, as long as you remember who you are, what you stand for, and you keep your priorities straight.
But that right there is the trick huh?
You decide where you stand. Just be sure to decide BEFORE you fall hmm?